Sunday, 18 September 2016

Barrow breath or Lemming dribble?

The list of strange afflictions which affect the human body seems to grow ever longer as medical science discovers yet more causes of our suffering. And we always appear surprised, notwithstanding the fact that we're dumping loads of our toxic waste into an environment and a food web that's had a gutful of our plastic throwaways.

Happily, this post has nothing to do with that, as Our Lass and I have just finished a light lunch of poached eggs on toast. Our appreciative thanks must go to the hens from Life on a Small Island blogger, Sian. And thanks also to Sian herself, of course, for being kind enough to transport them safely all the way from Graemsay to Tense Towers (utilising two cars and a ferry).

(There's now a tab on the right hand side bar of the blog which links to some of my fellow Orkney bloggers, including Life on a Small Island)

So, as our lunch ramped up a level from 'light' to 'modest', I pondered upon the choices of cake. For her visit to see Our Lass, Sian had also baked some Bara brith, what with her being of Welsh descent and all, whilst I had opted to go with the old staple of Lemon drizzle cake.

Our Lass had the choice, Barrow breath or Lemming dribble?

Obvs, I would've said "Both!"


Spadger said...

Blimey those eggs have a high carbon footprint - how many food miles was that? giggle :o)

Imperfect and Tense said...

Cars: 1 + 21 = 22.
Ferry: depends which way around Graemsay it went, so dunno.

As the crow flies, it would be a shorter distance, but we're talking hens not crows.