Tuesday 31 March 2015

Mellow yellow

Here's the third and final blogpost of our trip to Graemsay. Having reached the modern pier by walking along the shore, we (Sian, Our Lass and I) began the return journey to Sandside via the tarmac'd road.

Immediately behind the pier head building, a small embankment was looking splendid, draped with a delicate tapestry of Primroses.

On the opposite side of the building, next to a pallet of bottled water (a remnant of the recent shenanigans required when the fresh water supply to the island was lost), was a novel hose reel. Though not novel as in 'new'. In the distance is the Northern Lighthouse Board ship, Pharos.

Walking back along the road, we came to the remains of a boat shed, which was once used for storing sails.

There was some ancient winding gear alongside it, presumably for hauling the boats out of the water. So not a mangle, as I first thought!

As we climbed a hill, my companions were deep in conversation, so I took the opportunity to frolic on the grass verge amongst the many daffodils. After a long, dark Winter, Orcadian verges take on a rather yellow hue come Spring. Coltsfoot and Lesser Celandine begin the show, but are soon outshone by a host of golden daffodils. Someone should write a poem about that.

Once over the crest of the hill, we could see all the way to lunch. I think it's fair to say that even the most panoramic scenery is given an added frisson with the imminent possibility of a tasty meal, but maybe that's just me.

And, no, that isn't a picnic arriving in the tractor bucket!

Out in the Sound, the Pharos was carrying out maintenance on a navigation buoy. Later in the day, as we returned to the Mainland, we had a closer look at the ship, berthed in Stromness harbour.

Many thanks to Sian for a grand day, her wonderful hospitality and the interesting littoral adventure.


northernknitter said...

Thanks for the tour, Mick's web cam gives a limited view of the island and Sian's pictures are usually of the shore line, lovely to see from a different perspective. Hope signs of spring are gradually making themselves evident where you are. First robin sighting in our garden yesterday.

Imperfect and Tense said...

You're welcome. We hope to return in the summer, there may be dragonflies. And it would be good to walk around the rest of the island. Aye, spring is making its presence felt, though winter is reluctant to depart. We're looking forward to the return of our feathered summer visitors.

Martin said...

Pharos is not the same shape as the Pharos I remember from my time in Oban. Research reveals that this is the 10th Pharos of the Northern Lighthouse Board and was launched in 2006. Mystery solved.

Imperfect and Tense said...

Some of us are old enough to have visited the original Pharos of Alexandria ;o)

gretchenjoanna said...

The images of springtime in your land are captivating!

Imperfect and Tense said...

Thank you and welcome.