Sunday 29 March 2015

A sea journey

Recently, Our Lass and I spent a day on the small island of Graemsay, in the company of an island resident and fellow blogger Sian of Life on a Small Island. I can report that Sian's blog title does not contravene the Trade Descriptions Act.

Firstly though, we had to make the short 45 minute crossing from Stromness, via Hoy.

As well as the island's nominative geography, our sea-going transport was the eponymously-named ferry...


Upon leaving Stromness harbour, there is always a fantastic view of the waterfront, which was once the town's 'Main Street', no pun intended.

As the harbour falls astern, the ferry sails past the Ness and out into Hoy Sound.

Here, the Northlink ferry, Hamnavoe, is approaching Stromness, with the hills of North Hoy in the background. It was quite... er... interesting, when our wee craft had to negotiate the wake of the much larger vessel!

Tantalisingly, the route took us past our final destination, but there's some way to go yet before we can sample coffee and cake at Chez Sian. Residential note: it's not the big pointy one, but one of the shorter dwellings.

Passing the Hoy Low Light, we then entered Burra Sound, on the journey to the small port of Moaness in North Hoy.

After a brief stop to disgorge a crowd of one, the ferry carried on across Burra Sound, sailing around the southern end of Graemsay and still giving grand views of the Hoy hills.

Finally, after entering Clestrain Sound, the little pier of Gramesay came into view, with its waiting chauffeuse-driven limousine.

Yep, there's Hoy High Light again, but from the other side, so almost a complete circumnavigation of Graemsay.

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