Sunday 8 September 2019

Muesli with added moo

Regular readers may recall this post from 2015, where I explained about some bovine social dynamics which occasionally occur in the close vicinity of Tense Towers. Well, at the moment, there's another episode of Cowsualty on display, which is at its most noticeable in the early morning. There I was trying to have a peaceful bowl of muesli for breakfast whilst, outside, Tranquillity was packing her leather suitcase and Ubering a taxi to "anywhere quieter than this!"

Yup, the continued rivalry between an Aberdeen Angus and a Shorthorn bull doesn't lessen just because it's Sunday morning.

The black bull is in a paddock with a few cows and calves, the brown bull is in a larger field with a harem of 20 or so cows. Someone is not happy about this state of affairs.

I'm not sure I dare mention the fact that I've switched to oat milk 😲


Uphilldowndale said...

Ahhh, the peace and tranquillity of the countryside

Imperfect and Tense said...

🤣🤣🤣 Sunday is the busiest time of the week around here. Mid-morning, traffic builds up as the congregation arrives at the local church, then in the afternoon, it often seems as though the whole island is out for a drive. Meanwhile, back at Bovine Central, a few of the girls in the Shorthorn herd do tend to linger longer then strictly necessary by the gate nearest the Angus bull, the minxes!