Sunday, 25 March 2018

More corvid capers

Right! Following this morning's prevarication and displacement activity, this afternoon I really must get on with some chores.

[Sets to changing the bedding and industriously fitting fresh pillowcases]...

What's that noise?

[Pauses to listen more intently]...

Sounds like a Raven.

[Hastens to the window]...

Aha! And a pair of Hooded Crows!

[Hotfoots it to camera and then out of the front door]...

Click!... click, click... click... click, click, click etc.

Yes, a pair of Hoodies had taken exception to the presence of a Raven, and were busy mobbing it for all they were worth.

Occasionally, the Raven would turn the tables on one or the other of the crows, but eventually the Hoodies persistence paid off and the Raven moved on.

The Hoodies took up station on the roof of a nearby barn to keep watch for further trouble. As I was downloading these images, they had another sortie against a pair of Rooks that had the temerity to perch on their favourite section of fence posts.


Spadger said...

Such an annoying distraction.

But wow, from the pictures it looked awfully exciting. I'm not surprised you were soon tapping away at the key boards and wanting to rave on about it!

Mark said...

Impudent cheek!

Lucy Corrander Now in Halifax! said...

You've made this an exciting event!