Sunday 7 June 2020

A zoom meeting with my camera

As Scotland moved into Phase 1 of lockdown, with a little bit more freedom of movement, I skillfully managed to come down with a stomach ailment of some sort. This effectively meant that I was lockdowned even more, as I didn't dare go for a walk of any distance. Gah!

The bioblitz was a godsend, as it occupied me with natural history on our doorstep.

By yesterday, I was feeling much better (though test results indicated that I hadn't had a bug) so Our Lass gently escorted me around the kirk loop at a much-reduced speed, but this did allow us to spot plenty of Lapwing chicks.

This chick was the first (and tiniest) of seven we saw in the fields beside our route. Some cute!

As we passed the springs on the Tieve Road, Our Lass remarked upon the rain droplets clinging to the stems of the Water Horsetails growing in the damp ground.

The grass in the pastures is growing well, such that it is now difficult to spot any Brown Hares hunkered down in the fields. There is one in the photo above.

Here it is zoomed in a bit.

Another gratuitous Lapwing, just because.

On a distant fence post, a Snipe was having a snooze.

I think we can all agree that this is a fern, but I have no idea which species. I shall have to seek advice from folk with more pteridological nous. 

One lesson well-learnt during the bioblitz was IDing this hoverfly, which I spotted again yesterday, Eupeodes corallae.

As well as several broods of Mallard ducklings cavorting in the pools by the old kirk, there was also a family of Gadwall. I had not previously seen this species breed locally. And during my infirmity, I had missed several broods of Shelducklings. Double Gah!

Today's outing turned up this umbellifer in the road verge. We recognised that it was neither Cow Parsley or Common Hogweed, and hazarded a guess at Pignut. Whilst I have been typing this post, one of the local wildflower gurus has confirmed that ID. Yay!

I am looking forward to building up my stamina once again, in preparation for the joyous occasion when dragonflying is firmly back on the agenda.


Mark said...

Two Emperors circling, four spotted chasers and Blue Damsels at Chambers woods. Hope you're feeling better soon.

Imperfect and Tense said...

Hi Mark, it's good to hear from you. That sounds like an excellent dragon hunt! I browse the online dragonfly sites to keep in touch with what's on the wing and where, occasionally having a go at IDing a photo when someone asks for help. To date, there's only a couple of damsels flying up here, Large Red and Blue-tailed.