Saturday 5 May 2018

The Ghost of Coneymass Past

Four years and a day ago, I posted about a young Rabbit which briefly appeared in our (then) new garden, see here. Since then, our plot has been bereft of bunnies, not so much as a twitching of a whisker or a glimpse of a cotton tail.

Weird, then, that today I noticed a movement by the stane dyke, and assuming it to be the Linnets which I could hear through the open window, was astonished once more to be viewing a young Rabbit. What the... ?

I'm guessing that this date in the Orkney calendar, when the new grass shoots are growing vigorously, is a good time for a young Rabbit to be exploring the wider world. But I can't explain its appearance, when there has been no sign of adult Rabbits in the immediate vicinity in over four years.

2018's version of bunny has an intriguing white mark on its forehead...


Coastal Ripples said...

Perhaps it’s a bunny ghost that likes to haunt you at the same time each year :)B x

Imperfect and Tense said...

It is a possibility.

However, bearing in mind the large number of Neolithic monuments in Orkney and a certain Beatrix Potter character, this wee rabbit could actually be Stone Benj.

Coastal Ripples said...


Spadger said...

Or bugs bunny! But then again Orkney doesn't have Coyote as an invasive species -yet!

Imperfect and Tense said...

Not yet, it's true, but we have a few Elmer Fudds.