Saturday, 10 June 2017

A trip south, part 3 and a bit

Well, this is awkward.

Awkward is a relative term, I suppose, depending upon whether one has forgotten to include a couple of photographs in a blogpost, or if one has called a snap election and inadvertently reduced one's standing in the country.

For the avoidance of doubt, I'm the former.

These photos were taken at the cottage after returning from our walk. We were looking out of the lounge window which, on the southern aspect, is at first floor level. The top image is of a pair of recently-fledged Goldfinches, who were hopping about and investigating all manner of things on the ground. The second image is of an unfamiliar bumblebee, so I had to seek advice about its identity. My grateful thanks go to JC (not Jeremy Corbyn!) and DD (not David Davis!) for their help. It is a Blaeberry Bumblebee.

Hopefully, unless more sudden elections are called, my next post will be part 4.

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