Tuesday, 28 June 2016

45 minutes of time travel

Yesterday, I was working on Papa Westray, one of the northern isles of Orkney. Once my task was complete, I had about three quarters of an hour to wait before the peedie plane was due, to whisk me back to Kirkwall. This was just enough time to wander around a small loop, taking in Holland Farm, the Knap of Howar, a bit of shoreline and the Old Kirk.

At Holland Farm, the slurry tank has an enigmatic emblem emblazoned upon it. This is a copy of some Norse graffiti, the 'Dragon'which can be found in the Maes Howe chambered cairn on the mainland.

Also at the farm, in one of the fields, are these piles of stones...

which I presume were once used for drying crops?

As I walked down to the west coast, I had to cross a pasture full of cattle. They were much more interested in grazing than gazing at the view, or at me.

Then it was a brief visit to the Knap of Howar...

before pottering along the shore to the Old Kirk (St Boniface).

Once back on the 'main' road, the view to the east was of the Holm of Papay, with a few yachts anchored in the bay.

And then back to the airfield, where the boundary walls feature an uneasy alliance of lichen and warning paint.

This heady mix of past and present is a theme widespread in Orkney and not confined to Papa Westray, but this short walk certainly brought it to the fore.


Martin said...

If only the time spent waiting for a flight could always contain a country walk with coastal views and wildlife. Flying wold be so much more enjoyable!

Imperfect and Tense said...

Niche marketing opportunity!

Ruth Walker said...


Imperfect and Tense said...

I think he retired... again.