Sunday, 13 April 2014

Admin matters

For a while now, it seems, there's been a problem with this blog.

Who said, "Yeah, the bloke writing it."? Cheeky so-and-so!

No, it would appear that commenting has been a problem for some, but not for others.

Following some sterling research by laligalover, I have changed the manner in which the Comments appear. No longer will they be embedded within the post, they will be in a separate pop-up window.

Can I ask that anyone who has had trouble posting comments (constructive, humorous or otherwise), please have another attempt and let me know if there's an improvement in service? Regular commenters, hopefully, you will be unaffected, but please feel free to verify that you can still comment.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Re Willow and dark sarcasm.
tried to comment but will try now!
Be still my beating heart.
better than Buffy no urge to blonds( sorry SWMBO)
hope this trial works

Cpt. Sundial

Imperfect and Tense said...

Aye, aye, Captain! Welcome aboard!

Thanks for your perseverance.

Martin said...

A sleep-deprived jellyfish researcher checking in. I suspect this will also work for me in full 1064 Google-Chromatic colours.

Imperfect and Tense said...

It seems so, Martin!