Saturday 24 February 2018

Stuff On My Phone (12)

I have thought long and hard about whether to include this particular track in the SOMP series, as it's one thing subjecting readers to my dubious taste in music, but a completely different kettle of fish to launch an ear worm on an unsuspecting group of kindly folk who, for some inexplicable reason, keep coming back for more.

Y'see, I hope that the series doesn't actually need the links to the music tracks, as it's as much about the personal story of why the tracks are special to me in some way and are, therefore, loitering on my phone.

To that end, there's not a link in this blogpost, but that's mainly because the song is an absolute ear worm, at least to me. I'm not sure how contagious an ear worm can be, but I really wouldn't want to unknowingly inflict one on anyone. The choice will be yours.

Oh yeah, that 'thought long and hard' comment at the beginning of the post, it was about 3.2 microseconds. I only downloaded the song recently, having been blithely unaware of its existence and huge success at the top of the charts in 2013. I happened upon it earlier this year when it was used in a tv advert by Peugeot, promoting their 5008 SUV model. We'll conveniently gloss over the fact that Peugeot probably don't have a Stargate-type facility with a portal to a world where whales happily leap over causeways, eh?

As befits the status of ear worm, I can't remove the song from my head, so have done the only thing that will eventually lead to its eradication. I've downloaded it and play it a lot. At some distant point in time (possibly when a major French car manufacturer has invented the afore-mentioned portal) I will become bored with it, but current evidence makes that supposition unlikely.

Wanna risk it? John Newman's 'Love Me Again'.


Spadger said...

I can only vaguely recognise the advert you describe! I didn't register what it was trying to sell let alone listen to the music.

As for stupid adverts the best one I've seen currently doing the rounds is the Everest triple glazing advert with is 'what a load of tosh' thermal image lens comparison! I guess some folk will be gullible enough to think that's what their house really looks like in a thermal image camera.

Imperfect and Tense said...

With the weather forecast for this week, we'll all be needing our thermals!

Spadger said...

I've not dug 'em out yet but have resorted to two sweatshirts and fleeces in addition to my normal waterproof coat.

Spadger said...

Oh and in uvver news, as I have for a year or so been 'Bird Tracking' my bird records, the website publishes the top five listers and your position and how many species you've recorded for the year.

I notice I'm in 364 place with 100 species and now only 96 behind Lee Evans in first place! He'd best watch out! Snigger, giggle!!!

Spadger said...

I got used mine for first time in ages yesterday. They seem to have shrunk in the wardrobe

Imperfect and Tense said...

Wardrobe-related shrinkage, it's a much bigger problem than is thought...