Sunday 5 April 2020

Outside whilst we still can

Today's bright and breezy 'Boris Bimble' of daily allowed exercise, mainly featured gulls and corvids, although that had much to do with the fact that I wasn't quick enough to capture images of Curlew, Oystercatcher, Reed Bunting and Fulmar.

Lesser Black-backed Gull

Hooded Crow

Herring Gull

High tide at Graemeshall

A profusion of Lesser Celandines

Our rhubarb is beginning to sprout


SharonLarkin said...

Lovely photos, as usual :) We saw a hooded crow on our daily walk yesterday!

Imperfect and Tense said...

They are really quite dapper! I suspect that their common name is redolent with the baggage of the presumed misdemeanours of all corvids. Honestly, why pick on 'Hooded' with its sinister connotations? They are obviously wearing waistcoats 🙄

SharonLarkin said...

I always want to call them "The Hooded Claw".....I may be showing my age a tad there LOL I've often thought that I'd rather like a pet crow ~ not to live in a cage, you understand, but just as a pal :D Adrian seems to think that I'm getting weirder as I get older ROFL

Imperfect and Tense said...

LOL! I'm not sure whether a crow would ever accept the moniker 'pet'. I think they're far too intelligent to settle for anything less than a 50/50 relationship! Way back before I appeared on this earth, I think my parents had a tame Jackdaw, there's an old photo somewhere showing it perched on a shoulder. Wow, that's a memory dredged from deep down, thank you!