Wednesday 4 March 2020

Mirror of worlds

Wednesday dawned clear and bright, with hardly a breath of wind. First Born had a plane to catch in the early afternoon, so we contented ourselves with a short walk locally, a loop of the basin and lock at the northern end of the Caledonian Canal. This was a repeat of part of our route from Sunday, but the calm and sunny conditions brought a whole new level of "Wow!" to the views of the Beauly Firth.

Curlew (and it's ringed!)

Curlew and Redshank

Grey Heron

The meeting of the waters?

Gotta love a clock that is set permanently to nearly 'knocking off ' time

Waving "Bye!" to First Born
The rest of the afternoon was spent visiting Culloden, wandering around the battlefield and reading the different viewpoints of the Government and Jacobite forces. Whilst this was the decisive battle which settled the bitter argument about whether the British monarchy would follow the Stuart or the Hanoverian lineage, it was all too easy to read some of the text with the topical eye of current affairs. Before we returned to our holiday accommodation, Our Lass invaded a home furnishings emporium, which left me concerned that there may not now be enough towels, mats and pillowcases for the residents of Inverness.


Mark said...

Aren't genetics incredible! Looking at your family it is so obvious one daughter is the image of Mr Tense, while the other is of Mrs Tense. It is just the same in our family, only we have a son and daughter. ( but still first and second born)

Imperfect and Tense said...

I'm probably too close to the trees to see the wood, as I see both of us in both of them. More scarily, on the very rare occasion when an aspect of their character annoys me, I suddenly remember where they got it from!