Sunday 18 March 2018

Broken spring

Another spell of cold weather means that Winter is in no hurry to let go of its grip on the land. We've escaped the snow which is plaguing places further south, but the easterly gales and consequent wind chill make life difficult for humans and wildlife.

Perhaps this has swayed my perception, but I was convinced that Spring was advancing slower this year. Time to fire up a blog search and look at the annual dates when I first mention Coltsfoot...

2014  No record

2015  15th March

2016  19th March

2017  12th March

2018  18th March

So much for perception, eh?

But I am sure that this year's Coltsfeet Coltsfoots flowers have only just emerged from the cold, cold ground.

Meantime, my little car is making an ominous creaking noise whenever I hit an undulation in the road. This is more likely to be a broken spring.

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